
Geoservices & Tehnic Consulting covers the main aspects of drilling services market. From geotechnical continuous coring techniques, going through direct push environmental drilling and sampling, and up to medium depth water well and geothermal boreholes, GTC provides traditional and innovative drilling solutions meant to increase efficiency and reduce the risks and costs involved in the project.

Geotechnical Drilling

GTC geotechnical drilling services provide the best available samples, supplying the data necessary to make the appropriate design and engineering decisions. Our specialized engineers will provide answers related to the project design based on soil classification, groundwater depth and interpretation of various borehole testing.

  • Soils Drilling & Sampling

  • Rock Coring

  • Instrumentation Installation

  • In-situ Testing

Environmental Drilling

GTC's environmental drilling department is able to produce clean and accurate samples in order to determine the existence of soil and groundwater contaminants. Moreover our technical capability and experience recommends us for environmental testing and sampling, monitoring and groundwater remediation and various other types of related works.

  • Monitoring Well Installation

  • Extraction Well Installation

  • Water Sampling

  • Well Development, Rehabilitation & Abandonment

  • Soil & Groundwater Sampling and Remediation 

  • Soil Borings and Soil Gas Sampling


Water well and geothermal

At Geoservices & Tehnic Consulting we utilize our extensive experience, technical capabilities and highly skilled people in order to provide superior services that apply to water well and geothermal drilling, installation and completion. Listed below are our complete water well and geothermal services:

  • Sub-Surface Imaging

  • Well Design

  • Well Drilling and Construction

  • Geothermal Drilling

  • Exploratory Drilling and Formation Analysis

  • Well Services and Rehabilitation


All drilling and instalation techniques used by GTC comply with ASTM, Eurocode and National Standards and Regulations.