DPSH in-situ testing

Dynamic Penetration Super Heavy

Client: Impregilo SpA
Industries: Transport and infrastructure
Services: In-situ testing, Geotechnical design, Geologic modelling


Complex geotechnical assessment for landslide investigation program comprising geological, geophysical, geomechanical, geotechnical laboratory, drilling and stratigraphy surveys, including long term inclinometer and piezometer monitoring for areas affected by landslides.

Our role

DPSH (Dynamic Penetration Super Heavy) testing was required for landslide slip plane assessment and bedrock delineation. Over 100 DPSH tests were carried out to depth exceeding 18 meters.

Our role was to develop an integrated geologic model of the natural slope area affected by landslide phenomena, affecting the construction works for the motorway project Orastie - Sibiu.

The results were integrated into the geological model, providing fast and reliable information for landslide slip surface zone.


Asociated Services

In-situ testing

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Asociated Industries

Transport and infrastructure

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