Geotechnical engineering
Geoservices & Tehnic Consulting provides solutions for a wide range of ground engineering challenges. Our team will help...
We offer a broad range of environmental services, from due diligence, intrusive site investigations and risk...
Our drilling department delivers high quality services related to most market sectors. From geotechnical continuous coring techniques...
In-situ testing
Fast and reliable subsurface information is our target. We use a wide range of in-situ testing to describe and understand the geotechnical properties of soils. Combined with drilling works...
Instrumentation & monitoring
Construction works represent a real burden for the natural soil, allowing for a rather complex soil deformation and additional...
Geophysical information can prove vital for geotechnical and environmental design. Therefore our services include various types of geophysical data acquisition, processing and interpretation...
Groundwater & hydrogeology
Geoservices & Tehnic Consulting provides a range of services related to ground water that include exploration, contaminants evaluation and remediation...